Our products


We take care of the daily maintenance of your application, using appropriate tools and our years of experience in their use. We pay special attention to two elements - Kubernetes and Observability.




Characteristics of Kubernetes

Kubernetes is one of the most popular tools for containerization and standardization on both public and private clouds. Deploying Kubernetes means not only maintenance but also easier and faster migration (eliminating the effects caused by vendor lock-in).

Although public clouds have tools for managing Kubernetes (e.g., EKS in AWS or AKS in Azure), it is often managed in a shared responsibility model, where the operator enforces the user to manage computing resources. Using Kubernetes directly gives the development team greater control and autonomy in architecture and deployment methods. Often, a platform is also used, where most processes are automated, and developers only handle deployments.

Why is it worth seeking assistance?

Even adapting Kubernetes to a specific project and migration require properly chosen tools, including:


Deployment methods




Infrastructure as Code (IaC)


Planning monitoring, autoscaling, and health-check mechanisms.

Organizations using Kubernetes often struggle with instability, disruptions, and oversizing (when the environment is too large for a given project). Our experience allows us to organize Kubernetes structures in the most optimized way, ensuring they do not cause failures. Moreover, we provide assistance with mandatory updates that Kubernetes imposes on its users (approximately every 6-8 months), which usually require additional work.




What is observability?

The growth of monolithic applications and the rise of microservices have led the traditional monitoring practices (metrics, traces, events, log collection, etc.) to become insufficient. From the concept of monitoring, observability has emerged, which, instead of reactively responding to failures, enables proactive prevention.


Observability enables the detection of non-obvious errors at early stages of implementation, when fixes are faster and cheaper. Appropriately configured tools are used for this purpose (examples below). With their help, by tracking and providing metrics and qualitative quality attributes, a developer can release new features under controlled conditions and observe whether significant errors arise.

Observability thus allows for the swift elimination of so-called bottlenecks, but it also enables end users of the application to provide feedback.

Observability Tools

Open source tools (in the open domain) standardized and developed by the Cloud Native Foundation, as well as commercial tools, are available on the market.



  • Thanos,
  • Lightstep,
  • Kiali,
  • Splunk,
  • Sentry,
  • Cloudwatch,
  • Grafana,
  • Statsd,
  • Jaeger,
  • Elastic,
  • Prometheus,
  • OpenMetrics,
  • OpenTelemetry,
  • DataDog,
  • Dynatrace,
  • NewRelic,
  • AppDynamics,
  • SumoLogic,

Why is it worth seeking assistance?

Similar to Kubernetes, implementing observability tools, as well as their selection, require a plan and broad knowledge. Our experience gained from various projects will allow us to choose the best solution, taking into account cost and resource optimization.


Building a greenfield on cloud

Building a greenfield on cloud

Let us join your project and support your development team on every stage. Thanks to our know-how, we will go through all life cycles of the project with a well architected framework, suggesting the best solutions and updating them at low costs.

Once the greenfield is ready, we will continue to work with you on the project as a maintenance Team, offering you further development and everyday support in the project.

Building a greenfield on cloud

Cloud infrastructure cost review

Cloud infrastructure cost review

We will audit your project, both architecture and cost effectiveness spent on specific elements. Areas we can focus on include:

Why is it worth seeking assistance?

Cloud needs updates and new solutions to be cost efficient and technically effective. We are here to help you choose the best cloud solution which suits your business needs. We will also suggest database types and workload types. What's more, we can implement automated feedback about changes in costs, reports and alerts about billings. Thanks to these, you will have more control over your cloud and money.